Looking For Reasons To Export to Government?

If you are looking to grow exports, you should start with the largest and most transparent industry in the world, and here are five reasons why:

1. Public contracting accounts for around 11% of global GDP.

Think about that. Look at all the economic activity that surrounds you, from shops to taxis and websites, and then realise that in aggregate all of those industries are dwarfed by the business of government.

2.  You’re (probably) not doing enough in this sector yet.

If you’re looking to grow exports has 11% of your effort gone into winning public contracts overseas? Unlikely. As a market, public contracting gets perceived as too slow and complex, but can you afford to ignore more than 10% of the world’s GDP?

3. Finding public contracts requires little effort.

Tens of thousands of public opportunities are published around the world every month. From prison welfare to fitting pistons government buys it all. You can get a complete feed of every public opportunity through our simple API.

4. You already have a relationship with government.

There’s already a natural relationship between your country’s government and other governments and in many cases, you have staff across the world to engage with other governments. You can use this network to promote suppliers into public contracts.

5. Finding the right suppliers to promote is easy.

You already have a list of companies that trade with your own government. Finding suppliers that are doing a good job means looking under your nose. Matching those suppliers to overseas opportunities is also easy because government is so transparent.

There are millions of documents and insights about public contracts that make it easier for you to grow exports. Spend Network holds government procurement data for more than 150 countries globally. We take the hard work out of collecting, organising and analysing procurement data at scale. Our analysis can predict poor performance, bad tendering and new savings opportunities. We can monitor market efficiency and look for new suppliers to increase competition. Get in touch to find our more about how our data can help you.

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