UK Government £650 Billion Pipeline.

The UK Government has released plans for the investment of £650 billion of public and private cash into infrastructure projects across the country over the next decade under its new National Infrastructure and Construction Pipeline. The investment will support more than 400k jobs between 2021 and 2025, through more than 500 projects.
In 2022 alone, £31 billion of procurement is planned, with the Transport sector receiving the lions share with 23.6 billion. Publication of the pipeline follows the publication of the National Infrastructure Strategy in November 2020.
Details for the programme can be found here, with a broad range of works across infrastructure and construction including building, design & build and civil engineering contracts, construction, engineering and inspections services.
The IPA’s flagship change programme, Transforming Infrastructure Performance: Roadmap to 2030, was published alongside the pipeline, with chief executive Nick Smallwood saying; “Collectively, we are working across government to create a step-change in project delivery, setting high standards for success and supporting capability development across the construction sector.”
We hope to see more contract data on spending and performance metrics through the COST initiative and the OCDS data standard integration
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Image courtesy of Ricardo Gomez Angel