Adding Value

Wooden blocks spelling out 'VALUE'

We’re analysts.

We work with data, every day.

We know what works and what doesn’t work.

We know about values that can’t be summed, documents that are hard to find and buyers that use thirty or forty different versions of their name.

We build data points that can be used. Our work isn’t just about gathering all the data we can, we spend much more time making sure that data is right. So we test every source and make sure we’re structuring the data to meet stringent quality standards.

Once we have the data straight, we enhance it. We clean values, we link records to other records and we use machine learning to add new values to the data.

We also make sure that the data about the data is in good shape. That means our customers can always know the source of every record, when it was gathered, when it was updated and whether there were any problems with the feed when we gathered it.

We understand data.

We understand analysis.

We care.

If we can help with any of your procurement data needs,