
Beneficial ownership diagram

Why Beneficial Ownership Data Should Interest You.

The Beneficial Ownership Data Standard (BODS) is an open data standard for publishing data on company ownership and control. You can find out more about the standard and the initiative to publish BODS data here. Over 80 countries are already committed to using the standard, so we can expect to see more of this data in the ...
Graph showing spend values rising

The Case For Using Data In Public Procurement

Our current model of procurement uses data for limited purposes. The primary analysis conducted by procurement teams is spend analysis, where buyers seek to identify opportunities for aggregating demand. Aggregation is where a buyer purchases more goods or services from a single supplier in order to achieve price reductions. In the public sector, spend analysis typically ...

Public procurement data needs work.

Government data is much like infrastructure, valuable when it is cared for, troublesome when it is left unloved. Government spends nearly £400bn a year with suppliers, but most of this data is only available to the buyers and their suppliers. This is fine for managing individual contracts, but it is no good if you want to manage ...

Counting the human cost of supported accommodation

BBC Newsnight worked with Spend Network to report on supported accommodation for looked after children. This forms part of their series Britain's Hidden Children's Homes. At present, over 5,000 looked-after-children are living in "supported accommodation". Supported accommodation are homes that provide support but not care to children under 18. These homes are outside Ofsted’s mandate for registration ...
