
Health worker in a mask and visor

Opening Covid Contracts

Today we're openly publishing all of the contracts let by UK public sector for medical equipment and protective workwear. This data is free for anyone to download and reuse in their work. The data we are publishing is selected on the basis of the category codes that are selected by each buyer when they publish details of ...
Bar chart comparing total procurement values

How Does Procurement Compare By Country?

-Fiona Hunt. This simple graph gives us a fascinating insight into the respective size of government spending globally. From the recent report by Open Contracting Partnership and Spend Network, on quantifying global spend, this graph illustrates the dominance of the BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India, and China)when it comes to government spending, making up 40% of annual ...
Hand drawn picture of the globe

UK Leading Procurement Transparency Alongside Columbia and Ukraine.

By Fiona Hunt. The recent report on global government spending by Open Contracting Partnership and Spend Network, brought to light for the first time, the extraordinary size of the global procurement market and, alarmingly, the lack of open contracting. Of the $13 trillion spent per annum by governments globally, only $362billion (2.8%), is published openly. Imagine the increased ...

What Needs To Happen to Open Public Procurement- Skills

-Ian Makgill, Founder, Spend Network. Our last post on what needs to happen to open procurement covers the skills you need to maintain a procurement publication service. Governments often focus too much on the technology needed to publish procurement data, ignoring the need to maintain and run the service in the long term. Once set up, you will ...

What Needs To Happen To Open Public Procurement – Technology

-Ian Makgill, Founder, Spend Network Another key element to open public procurement is technology. Getting data into the public sphere can often be over complicated, but it needn't be. If you already have a system for collecting data on tenders and contracts, you'll need to talk to your provider about making that data available openly. The main ...

What Needs To Happen to Open Public Procurement- Policy

-Ian Makgill, Founder, Spend Network There are three basic requirements for implementing a contracting transparency initiative, the first is policy. Creating new policies is easy, as long as you never have to implement them. Creating a policy that is designed to be implemented is much harder. Fortunately, the Open Contracting Partnership have, yet again, done all the heavy ...
Diagram showing a hand weighing up disks

Quantifying Global Public Procurement: Our Methodology

The Open Contracting Report 'Global Procurement Spend', is to our knowledge, the most comprehensive study of global public procurement yet. We are proud to be the data partner for the project, analysing more than 7 million documents to quantify the $12.9trn size of public procurement, globally. So, you’re probably wondering how we put a number on it? Our ...

Understanding Global Procurement

Why are we looking at procurement globally, when collaboration between countries is so difficult? Ian Makgill, Founder, Spend Network Analysing public procurement on a global scale is, in one sense, hiding to nothing. After all, how useful is it to directly compare contracting in Bejing with contracts let in Bourdeaux? The nature of public administration in both ...

$13 Trillion – The Global Value Of Public Procurement

Ian Makgill, Alex Yeung, Lindsey Marchessault  We often hear about the scale of public procurement. With vast sums of money at stake, it is important that the public procurement market is fair, efficient, and effective. However, it has been many years since anyone has actually quantified its annual global value. Thus far, there has been no attempt to ...
Photo of white face mask laid flat against a black background

What Is The Right Price For PPE?

-Ian Makgill, Founder, Spend Network What's the right price for PPE gowns and masks? With every Government in the world yanking hard on the same supply chains, prices have increased significantly. The UK Government has made it clear that they're willing to do what they can to get the equipment they need to protect NHS staff. We've written ...
Glass skyscraper with rose and blue lights shining out from the offices.

5 Steps To Tackle Public Procurement Corruption.

Governments have rightly relaxed procurement rules in order to act quickly on Covid-19, but stories already abound on alleged corruption and financial mismanagement. For instance, there are the tests that don't work , the ventilators that never materialised, the PPE that failed to arrive, and the Health Minister who was sacked.  What's telling, is that these were ...
Desk with screens, chair and cups

Your supplier is on mute.

Does video conferencing make it easier to evaluate suppliers? We're just finishing up a bid. Our heads are full of equality policies, pricing and schedules. It's a strong bid, a great team and we've got all the necessary experience. It feels good. We've written a lot, it has taken a long time, but could it be different? It used ...
