Government of Victoria’s Procurement Goes Digital

In November 2021, the Australian state Government of Victoria launched a digital strategy, which identified the frailties of the existing process for ICT procurement and offered strategies to simplify the process with the objective of encouraging a broader range of companies to do business with the government.

A key part of the strategy is the creation of an entirely digital interface ‘Digital Victoria Marketplace’, that will replace the tender-based process that has been in place until now. The platform will be a service-based solution for the whole of the Government of Victoria departments and agencies to buy products and services under already established State Purchase Contracts and panel arrangements. The platform is hoped to have highly scalable and flexible sources to cater to the dynamic and complex contractual landscape across the whole government.

The Government of Victoria currently runs two separate registers just for IT, so the creation of a single digital marketplace should streamline the process across all sectors.

At a national level, the Australian Government already runs a similar Digital Marketplace.

The advance notice tender for the development of the Digital Marketplace can be found here.

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